
Friday, 18 March 2011

Online Voucher Codes

Discount codes are simple codes by which you can save money during online shopping. This is a very simple concept and a good online marketing tool. There are three entities in the voucher code concept. First is the online retail store, second is the voucher distribution website and third is the shopper. The online retail store and the voucher distribution website get into a contract with each other.

As per this contract, the voucher distribution website does the advertising for the online retail store and also distributes the voucher codes. When a shopper sees the attractive discounts on the voucher code websites, he or she makes a note of the code and the online retail store where the voucher codes can be used. Knowingly, the shopper visits the online retail store and buys the product of his or her choice.

During the checkout from this online store, the shopper uses the codes to get a good discount. Here all three entities are benefited. The online retailer gets the sale, the voucher distributing website gets it commission from the online retailer and the shopper gets satisfied that he or she has got a very good discount.

This voucher code concept has taken the online shopping market like a storm. Seeing the success of online voucher codes, many online retail stores have started using this concept. At the end of the day, all three entities are benefited. If you are shopper who is using the voucher codes for the first time, things may not seem fine for you.

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